This software focuses on military-grade voice recognition and authentication. The other product that the company is working is called KnuPath, which is basically a processor that is designed to offer a new architecture for neural computing. Goldin stated in an interview about how he came to founding the startup:

KnuEdge’s starting principle was being focused on speech recognition in the presence of noise. It essentially authenticates a person’s voice for computers, web and mobile apps, and IoT devices with only a few words spoken into a microphone in any language and in real-world noisy conditions, and potential industries that could take advantage of such a thing is the health-care, banking and entertainment industry. Goldin explains how this process works: As for KnuPath, the company concluded that it could not achieve the necessary performance through the running of traditional consumer processors and GPUs, so it made a new team to build an application-specific integrated circuit (also known as an ASIC). KnuPath processors consume less power, and feature 256 cores with 16 bidirectional I/O paths. Such processors possess the ability to scale up to 512,000 devices, and offer rack-to-rack latency of just 400 nanoseconds. In layman’s terms, the former NASA head states that it will be Google Now on steroids and with the help of this tech, smarter applications and appliances could be released for future homes, as well as establish the grounds of forming a smart city blueprint. PCWorld

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