With an increase in the number of hacking cases as well as the cyber criminals luring the web sites, Microsoft has found it prudent to introduce new methods to authenticate the passwords.  FIDO (Fast IDentity Online) Alliance is a joint venture of various tech biggies and enterprises. For big firms like Bank of America, Google, Lenovo, PayPal, Visa etc. correct authentication is absolute necessity and Microsoft also joined the venture somewhere in 2013 realizing the need of the hour. As per a recent announcement from  Microsoft, they have contributed design inputs to the FIDO Alliance to be incorporated within FIDO 2.0 Technical specifications. By and large Microsoft would be incorporating the FIDO specifications in its Cloud services which includes Office 365 Exchange Online, Sales force, Citrix, Box, Concur etc.  Microsoft will also incorporate the FIDO specifications for consumer Microsoft services like Outlook.com, OneDrive and more. Now, its of much importance for users to know how this FIDO works. Generally passwords can be troublesome to remember, can be forgotten or easily hacked. Now FIDO is the key to transit from the single password authentication to a more stringent means of security. FIDO Alliance uses two sets of specifications :1) Universal Authentication Framework i.e UAF method which uses bio-metrics like finger prints, iris (eye) scans, speaking in the microphone 2) Universal Second Factor i.e U2F method and this provides second layer of protection to the authentication and by using a registered “Plug in”. Bio-metric specification once registered will never leave the device, this is one great benefit. Also the FIDO protocol can be easily incorporated in the services; only requirement would be that the system should  support FIDO specifications. For now Windows Technical Preview build has the FIDO Alliance incorporated so users curious to use the FIDO can register with the Preview team and check it for themselves. Microsoft is really trying its best to produce its new OS not only user friendly and technically efficient but also fool proof against the cyber crooks, how it succeeds in keeping Windows 10 0-day free in long run is point to ponder upon.